The 3 Comedians headquarters

The three members are: Minako, Hanako, and Sakura. Minako is sarcastic, Hanako is insanity, and Sakura is chaotic.
Welcome to the crazy, chaotic, sarcastic, insane, looney tunes! Prepare to step into a sillier world, the world of the 3 COMEDIANS!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! *cackle, cackle*
Welcome to our world!!

Crazed Letters between Hanako and Darien
Do you want to look at some totally crazy letters? And their replies?... oh by the way, the replies are PG 13....

The Psycho Test
Do you want to know how psycho you are?? With this test, if your answers are psycho enough, you might even become an honorary Comedian!! Good luck future psychos!!

Honorary Comedians
Congrats Honoraries, you've become Comedians!!

Code of the Comedians
Congrats Honoraries, you've become Comedians!!